THANK YOU to our incredible volunteers for your generous and selfless support, and for choosing to make a difference at TSCW!
We’re thrilled to announce two exciting new volunteer opportunities working on specific projects:
Tours of Wardenclyffe
Be part of the interactive walking tours that will begin at Wardenclyffe in late June 2019. We need volunteers to help as assistant tour guides, exhibitors, greeters/welcome station attendants, sales tent attendants, and more. Sign up and we’ll contact you with specific volunteer positions and shifts!
Conduct Research as a TSCW Lab Assistant
Join our team of worldwide volunteers dedicated to Tesla research. This special group assists us with online investigation and smart detective work to authenticate Tesla-related materials, source quotes, research documents, and help with general fact-checking. If you are detail-oriented with experience in online research, please apply to join our special team of researchers!