
Tesla Unwired Webcast
The Latest: Tune into the World of Amateur Radio with Joe Rudi, Ted Rappaport & Ed Wilson

Tune into the World: Amateur Radio Day

TSCW hosted a Tesla Unwired panelist discussion featuring a special lineup of ham radio enthusiasts: baseball legend Joe Rudi; Ted Rappaport, inventor of 5G; Ed Wilson, VP of Suffolk County Radio Club; TSCW’s own Amateur Radio operator, Jeff Velez; and your Host, Marc Alessi. Tune in to hear the remarkable ways radio transformed their lives and explore the surging use of ham radio worldwide.

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Free Online Education & Inspiration

Tesla Unwired is a global webcast that gives adults from around the world a virtual place to connect and learn about trending topics related to innovation, technology, education, and Tesla. In each episode, Host Marc Alessi leads a dynamic discussion with a Guest speaker.  Featured Guests include innovators in STEAM, entrepreneurs, authors, and historians.

Episodes – Podcast & Video:

Tesla Unwired – Episode 1
Marc Seifer, Author – “Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla” is Seifer’s best-selling Tesla biography, and in this episode we explore the facts and myths surrounding Tesla and Wardenclyffe. Includes historic photo presentation and rare images of tunnels beneath the lab.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 2
Greg Leyh, Principal Engineer – “Lightning on Demand” demo and presentation by the builder of the world’s largest Tesla coils.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 3   –  Emotions as Signals Worksheet
Dr. Ryan Madiagan, Founder of Boston Child Study Center – “Coping with Covid” is the subject of this informative webcast that addresses emotions raised by the pandemic and ways to cope for ourselves and family members.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 4
Dr. Gregory Olsen, Astronaut, Entrepreneur – “Voyage to the International Space Station” is a first-hand account of being one of the world’s first civilians to explore space aboard the ISS. Includes raw footage and photos that bring Dr. Olsen’s journey to life.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 5   –  Q&A and Resources
Dr. John Cohn, IBM Fellow, AI Researcher – “Innovation through Play” delves into the concept of achieving breakthrough results in life and work by tapping into the creative power of play.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 6Q&A and Resources
Miles Chilson, Entrepreneur and Inventor – “You and Tech: a Meaningful Relationship” gives insight on the role of tech in our lives and ways to maximize on tech’s ability to improve the quality of life.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 7
Dr. Martin Hellman, Inventor, Prof. Emeritus at Stanford University – “The Technological Imperative for Ethical Evolution” explores eight lessons for accelerating humanity’s ethical evolution. Learn how technology is transforming what were once purely moral concerns into issues that are essential for the survival of civilization.

Tesla Unwired – Episode 8
Dr. Leonard Kleinrock, Internet Pioneer – “The Day the Internet Went Live” – Hear about what it was like when the internet went live for the first time from a man who was there and helped make it happen, Leonard Kleinrock.  Dr. Kleinrock shares pivotal moments from his work developing the mathematical theory and technology underpinning the internet. He gives upfront and personal details on the challenges and changes of the Internet since the moment the first message was sent from his UCLA lab, as well as ideas on what the future might hold.  Host Marc Alessi facilitates a discussion that is enhanced by thought-provoking questions from attendees.

Stay Tuned for Upcoming Tesla Unwired Episodes!

Upcoming Events
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
5 Randall Road, Shoreham, New York 
Metal for Tesla 2025
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Saturday, April 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
OR Your Local Recycling Center
Metal for Tesla
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm