
Virtual Education: Game Hackers
Oct. 12 - Dec. 2

Game Hackers

Have you ever played a game and thought how much better it would be if it just had power-ups or bonus rounds or some other amazing add-on? At our 8-week Game Hackers class, you’ll learn how to program these features using basic Python language. Take your favorite games and make them 1000 times better! No knowledge of Python or programming is needed.

Participants will:
Explore the basics of the Python programming knowledge and apply this knowledge to examining 2D games
Learn how to manipulate the games to create novel experiences out of existing properties

For 2 hours every Monday and Wednesday, Game Hackers will connect online with a TSCW educator and other members of the group to explore, learn, brainstorm, share ideas, and have fun.

NOTE to previous Teen Coding Camp attendees: TSCW camp alumni are encouraged to join Game Hackers since this class uses a different library than our summer programs!

October 12 – December 2 | Ages 10-13

Mondays and Wednesday
4:30 – 6:30 pm ET

$325 Members / $350 Regular

Member Registration Regular Registration

Upcoming Events
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
5 Randall Road, Shoreham, New York 
Metal for Tesla 2025
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Saturday, April 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
OR Your Local Recycling Center
Metal for Tesla
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm