
Virtual Education: Game Masters
Oct. 13 - Dec. 3

Game Masters

Do you love the game Snake or Brick? Can’t get enough of Pacman? Join us for an 8-week deep dive into the programming behind these old-school games. Together with a TSCW educator, you will explore the games, delve into their coding, and work toward designing your own game using Python programming language. No coding or Python knowledge necessary.

TAKE-AWAYS – Participants will:
• Expand background programming knowledge
• Complete an in-depth introduction to Python and specifically the Pygames library
• Create a novel, playable game

For 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday, Game Masters will connect online with a TSCW educator and other members of the group to explore, learn, brainstorm, share ideas, and have fun.

NOTE to previous Teen Coding Camp attendees: TSCW camp alumni are encouraged to join Game Masters since this class uses a different library than our summer programs!

October 13- December 3 | Ages 14-18

Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:30 – 6:30 pm ET

$325 Members / $350 Regular

Member Registration Regular Registration

Upcoming Events
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
5 Randall Road, Shoreham, New York 
Metal for Tesla 2025
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Saturday, April 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
OR Your Local Recycling Center
Metal for Tesla
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm