
Wardenclyffe 7th Anniversary Celebration
Fri. May 1 - Sun. May 3

Join us for an electrifying weekend of FREE online events for all! We’re celebrating 7 years since TSCW purchased Wardenclyffe, thanks to a world of supporters who contributed to our historic crowdfund. 

On May 2, 2013, TSCW purchased Wardenclyffe, the only remaining lab of science visionary Nikola Tesla, using funds donated by over 33,000 people in 108 countries worldwide. This was a landmark moment toward our mission to preserve Wardenclyffe and transform it into a museum and global science center dedicated to providing opportunity through education and entrepreneurship.

Schedule of Wardenclyffe Anniversary Weekend Events:

Fri. May 1

Tesla STEAM Camp: Rocket Science!

2:30-3:30 pm ET

A popular session with both boys and girls, ages 6-12

Get ready for another exciting exploration of the science behind rocket propulsion! Kids will engineer rockets using materials found in most homes. This online session is educational, interactive, and taught by a certified NY State educator.

FREE to attend our Anniversary Weekend session!


Fri. May 1

Virtual VOLUNTEER Happy Hour!

5:00-6:00 pm ET

Come hang out with our awesome Volunteer Team to share stories, best moments, and amazing contributions. Plus prizes, videos, and other heartwarming stuff to honor TSCW’s remarkable volunteers! FREE for all past, present, and future TSCW Volunteers.

Register Download Tesla Costume

Sat. May 2

Wardenclyffe Anniversary Show

1:00-2:00 pm ET

Stunning new multimedia presentation by award-winning film Director Joseph Sikorski followed by live Q&A with founding Board President Jane Alcorn. LIVE only, this is an exclusive event that will not be recorded! Register for free log-in access. There is no cost to attend.


Sun. May 3

Tesla STEAM Trivia Game

1:00-2:00 pm ET

Join us for an electrifyingly fun, LIVE trivia game focused on STEAM: Science, Tech, Engineering, Art, Math! Gather family and friends for a rousing online game experience with audio and visual clues, puzzles, and polls for all levels.  It’s FREE to participate as a contestant or you can just enjoy watching this LIVE event on Facebook! Register below to enter as a contestant.


Upcoming Events
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
5 Randall Road, Shoreham, New York 
Metal for Tesla 2025
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Saturday, April 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
OR Your Local Recycling Center
Metal for Tesla
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm