
Sprint for STEAM: 5k Virtual Run/Walk/Roll for Virtual Education
June 11 - July 31, 2020

START DATE: June 11, 2020
END DATE: July 31, 2020
LOCATION: Participate from anywhere on earth

Get out, move, and prove to the world that you can make a difference! Sprint for STEAM is ready to energize the planet for an urgent cause: provide virtual education programs to those in critical need due to covid19.

Enter Support Donate

WHAT is Sprint for STEAM?

Virtual 5k Run/Walk/Roll to raise funds for virtual education. Virtual education programs are urgently needed for students, educators, parents, and learners of all ages. Education for millions is disrupted for the long-term by covid19. TSCW provides innovative online programs that reach thousands around the world, but we can’t continue without your help.

GOAL: Our goal is to raise $125,000 to develop accessible, affordable, and transformative virtual education programs for those in critical need.

How can I help?

There are several ways to get involved and directly make an impact.

1. Enter Sprint for STEAM to complete your 5k in whatever way you want: run, walk, bike, roller blade or join with wheelchair, stroller or mobility device.


2. Support entrants who are taking on this 5k challenge by donating to their Sprint for STEAM campaign.


3. Donate directly to provide immediate funds for developing virtual education.


How will winners be chosen?

Everyone who enters Sprint for STEAM is a winner! But the top 3 people/teams who raise the most money for virtual education will receive First, Second, and Third place awards. TSCW will proudly announce winners on our website and social media pages to share with the world their outstanding efforts on behalf of virtual education for those in need.

Upcoming Events
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
5 Randall Road, Shoreham, New York 
Metal for Tesla 2025
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Saturday, April 19 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
OR Your Local Recycling Center
Metal for Tesla
Metal recycling has a surprising history at Wardenclyffe that comes full circle to today.
Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm