
Virtual Education Micro-Credential Program: NYIT and TSCW
July 12 - August 20, 2021

Empowering teachers to design their own technology-enriched lessons and position themselves as leaders in virtual education.

NYIT Virtual Education Micro-Credential – 6 Credits

Take control and get the skills and confidence you need to provide virtually enriched education. The Virtual Education Micro-Credential course by New York Institute of Technology is fully online to support busy professionals. Courses are project-based and aligned with the curricula you teach to ensure relevance.  This is a graduate-level program for non-matriculated students.

You will learn how to:

  • Design technology-enriched units and lessons that match the needs of your students
  • Gain control of online instruction and remain proactive under changing circumstances
  • Create coherence in your curriculum using existing and emerging technologies
  • Foster learning environments that facilitate growth mindsets
  • Implement strategies to protect the social and emotional wellbeing of you and your students

Information & Registration


Virtual Education Innovators – Add-On Program 

Establish yourself as a leader in virtual education with this supplemental program designed to provide you with unique experience, exposure, and connections. Offered exclusively through Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe in partnership with NYIT.

  • Education Innovators Showcase: Your certification status and work will be posted on TSCW’s website.  Share virtual lesson plans, e-learning ideas, and student successes to inspire others and position yourself as a teacher with in-demand tech skills.
  • Global Education Projects:  Be part of TSCW’s international academic community and help shape the future of education. You will receive the opportunity to participate in two (2) TSCW projects in collaboration with leading innovators in education, such as program development, virtual education events and tools, learning apps, and other initiatives.
  • Virtual Education Innovators e-Badge: Signifies your successful completion of the Virtual Education Micro-Credential and Virtual Education Innovators programs. For use in signature lines, emails, resumes, web bios.
  • Educator & Innovator T-shirt: Wear and share your achievement and status as a Virtual Education Innovator.

FEE: $150 – Please note that no credits are offered for the Virtual Education Innovators Program; this is a supplemental enrichment course.

Register Now

Questions about the Virtual Education Innovators Program? Email us at [email protected] or call 631.886.2632.

Robert Noyce STEM Teacher Scholarship

Full tuition scholarship to complete a fully online Master’s program in 15 months.  This scholarship is for people who have bachelor’s degrees in STEM subjects, but heretofore did not have an interest or do not have the financial resources for a graduate education. There is a great shortage of STEM teacher candidates, particularly in high-needs schools. This program provides an opportunity to address that shortage while addressing the equity issues that many communities face.

Scholarship Details

FAQ – Virtual Education Microcredential

What is my expected commitment? The certification course covers a total of 75 hours of instruction (37.5 hours per 3 credits issued). You will typically spend 3 to 6 hours per week on course work.

How does the asynchronous format work? Most coursework is done at your own pace and submitted by a deadline without the need to attend pre-scheduled classes. Assessment largely occurs via weekly benchmarks that are conducted asynchronously. This course blends asynchronous off-line time with occasional synchronous Zoom sessions where participants engage in discussions, share ideas, and gain feedback.

What if I miss a session? Each session is recorded and will be provided if you were unable to attend.

What if I want to take my certification further? There is advanced certification available through NYIT which is a graduate certification requiring an additional 6 credits and matriculation at NYIT. For information, go to:

What do I need to participate? Good internet connection and a desktop computer.

What is the Refund Policy?
For NYIT Refund Policies:
For TSCW Refund:  Email your refund request to [email protected].

Are these graduate credentials? Yes, this is a graduate program.

Can I take this course if I do not have active classrooms? Yes.

Will the course be repeated? Yes, it is a regular offering.

Can the credits be applied to a degree? Yes.

What teachers say about our Virtual Education Programs:

“I’m a physics teacher in upstate New York in a public high school. I started out this summer feeling uneasy and ill-prepared to teach a robust course remotely.  I felt anxious and somewhat desperate to gain new strategies and skills before the start of school. The two courses I am taking, EDIT 652 and 654, have been immensely helpful in filling that need. The 654 course taught by Stan Silverman has been particularly helpful with the focus on practical skills to use immediately.
I started out thinking there was no way for me to teach physics in depth in an on-line platform successfully. As we wind up the course, I have gained skills, new strategies, resources, confidence and a more optimistic outlook for the fall.”
Deborah F. Lynn – Ithaca High School, NY State Section AAPT Executive Board, NY State Master Teacher Southern Tier Region
“This course has armed me with the best practices of virtual learning and given me the confidence to better serve our students, not only during this pandemic but moving forward as the educational climate evolves.  I only wish I had taken this course earlier so that I would have been better prepared to teach remotely last spring.”
Andrew Brockmann –  8th Grade Algebra, M.S. 88 – Master Teacher Fellow, Math for America
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