Submission Form

Welcome Makers and Teachers

Share your maker project with the world on our Maker Showcase!

MAKERS: To submit your project, fill out the form below and upload a video or image of your maker masterpiece (it may take up to 24 hours to appear in the showcase). In your description, be sure to tell us something about yourself and what you made. Why is it important? What problem does it solve? How did you get the idea to make it?
TEACHERS: Do you have a maker project or presentation that made a huge impact with students? Share your most successful and inspiring maker lesson or unit! In the description, be sure to include: 1)  materials required, 2) instructions, 3) educational plan or lessons. Then upload a photo or video (it may take up to 24 hours to appear in the showcase).
Questions? We’re here to help! Call us at 631-886-2632 or email us at